Saturday, December 28, 2024

हिंदू बच्चों के नाम व अक्षर से - Boy names starting with V and meanings in Hindi

Baby boy names

starting with V

Indian Hindu baby boy names starting with V.


Vaachaspati = lord of speech

Vaageesh = lord of speech

Vaakpati = great orator

Vaalmiki = an ancient saint, author Ramayan


Vaaman = name of Vishnu

Vaamdev = name of a Shiva

Vaanee = speech, goddess Saraswati

Vaasavadatta = a name in Sanskrit classics

Vaasudeva = lord Vishnu

Vaasuki = a celestial serpent

Vaatsyaayan = a saint, author of Kamasutra

Vaayu = wind

Vachan = holy words

Vachan = speech

Vachaspati = lord of speech

Vadhan = face

Vadhuli = the son of sage Viswamithra

Vadish = lord of the body

VagIndra = lord of speech

Vagish = god of speech (lord brahma)

Vahin = lord Shiva

Vaibhav = prosperity

Vaidyanaath = master of medicines

Vaijayi = victor

Vaijnath = lord Shiva

Vaikartan = name of Karna

Vaikhan = lord Vishnu

Vaikunth = heaven, Vishnu’s abode

Vaikuntanath = master of heavens

Vainavin = lord Shiva

Vairaj = spiritual glory

Vairaja = born of Viraj

Vairat = gem

Vairinchya = lord brahma’s son

Vairochan = an ancient name

Vaisak = a season

Vaishant = quiet and shining star

Vaishnav = follower of Vishnu

Vaishwanar = omnipresent

Vaiwaswat = one of the saints

Vajasani = lord Vishnu’s son

Vajendra = lord Indra

Vajrang = diamond bodied, hard

Vajrabahu = one with strong arms

Vajradhar = lord Indra

Vajrahast = lord Shiva

Vajrajit = lord Indra

Vajrakaya = sturdy like metal, lord Hanuman

Vajraksha = eyes like diamonds

Vajramani = diamond

Vajranandha = lord Krishna

Vajranath = lord Indra

Vajrapaani = Bodhisatva

Vajrapathi = lord Indra

Vajresh = lord Krishna

Vajreswar = lord Indra

Vajrin = lord Indra

Vakrabhuj = lord Ganesh

Vakratund = an epithet of Ganesha

Vakruthi = lord Vishnu

Valaak = a crane

Vallabh = clouds

Vallabendhra = god of clouds

Vallabhendar = god of clouds

Valmiki = saint who wrote Ramayan

Vama = lord Shiva

Vamadev = lord Shiva

Vamaneshwar = lord Vishnu

Vamsanandha = the delighter of the creed

Vamsi = flute of Krishna

Vamsidhar = lord Krishna

Vamsidhar = Krishna with flute

Vamsigaan = Krishna with flute

VamsiKrishna = Krishna with flute

Vamsimohan = Krishna with flute

Vamsimurthy = A idol of Krishna with flute

Vamsipathi = Krishna as the owner of flute

Vamsiteja =the celestial glow of Krishna with flute

Vanavihari = lord Krishna in the forests

Vanad = cloud; derived from forest

Vanadev = lord of the forest

Vanajit = the conqueror of nature

Vanamali = lord Krishna as the protector of forest

Vanoraman = enlightener of nature

Vanraaj = ruler of the forest, the lion

Vandan = adoration, greeting

Vandhik = lord Indra

Vanhi = fire

Vanij = lord Shiva

Vaninadh = husband of goddess Saraswati

Vansh = lineage, line of descent

Vansheedhar = adorned with a flute ( lord Krishna)


Vanshya = of the flute of Krishna

Varaah = an epithet of Vishnu, the celestial swine in

Hindu mythology

Varaahamihir = an ancient astronomer

Varad = god of fire

Varadaraaj = another name of Vishnu

Varaguna = who gives blessings

Varam = the blessings of god

Varana = holy river

Varapradhatha = who gives blessings

Varaprasad = the blessings of god

Varavaradev = lord Vishnu

Vardaan = boon

Varesh = giver of boons, lord Shiva

Vareshvar = giver of boons, lord Shiva

Vardhaman = lord Mahavir

Vardhan = lord Shiva, who amplifies glory

Varendra = ocean

Varid = cloud

Varidhvaran = colour of the cloud

Varij = lotus

Varijalochan =Having eyes like a lotus ; lord Vishnu

Varijaramana = blessed with lotus ; lord Vishnu

Varin = gifts

Varindra = lord of all

Varish = lord Vishnu

Variya = excellent one

Variyas = lord Shiva

Vartanu = beautiful

Varun = god of water

Varunesh = lord of water

Vasanth = spring season

Vasanth kumar = born out of spring season

Vasanthaakar =symbolism of spring ; lord


Vasanthanidhi = lord Manmadha

Vasanthanirmal = lord Manmadha

Vasantharaman = lord Manmadha

Vasantharoop = lord Manmadha

Vasanthdev = lord Manmadha

Vasantamaalika = garland of spring

Vasanthmurthy = lord Manmadha

Vasanthvihar = wanderer in spring season, lord


Vasav = an epithet of Indra

Vasavaj = son of Indra

Vasavamurthy = having divine knowledge

Vashisht = name of a guru

Vasistha = name of a sage, the teacher of lord


Vasu = an ancient king

Vasudev = god of the universe, Krishna’s father

Vasuki = a celestial snake in Hindu mythology

Vasuman = born of fire

Vasumat = lord Krishna

Vasumitra = Krishna’s friend

Vasupati = rich man

Vasur = precious

Vasuroop = lord Shiva

Vasusen = original name of Karna

Vatan = country

Vatatmaj = lord Hanuman

Vatradhara = practicing penance, lord Rama

Vatsa = Vishnu

Vatsal = affectionate

Vatsalyamurthy = affectionate

Vatsalyanandha = affectionate

Vatsalyanidhi = affectionate

Vatsalyapathi = affectionate

Vatsalyaroop = affectionate

Vatsapal = lord Krishna

Vatsar = a year in Sanskrit

Vatsin = lord Vishnu

Vaydeesh = god of the Vedas

Vayu = air, one of the panchbhutas

Vayujat = lord Hanuman

Vayun = lively

Vayunand = lord Hanuman

Vayya = friend


Ved = knowledge

Vedanga = meaning of Vedas

Vedant = Hindu philosophy, ultimate wisdom


Vedanth = ultimate wisdom, conclusions of the


Vedaprakash = light of knowledge

Vedatman = lord Vishnu

Vedatmane = spirit of the Vedas

Vedavrata = vow of the Vedas

Vedavyaas = name of a saint

Vedbhushan = one adorned with knowledge of the


Vedesh = lord of Vedas

Vedha = brahma

Vedhadrisa = lord Venkateswara, Balaji

Vedhapani = Brahma, holds Vedas in hand

Vedmohan = lord Krishna

Vedyant = sum of the Vedas

Veekshith = who sees the future

Veer = brave

Veerbhadra = Shiva’s warrior

Veerendra = lord of courageous men

Veerottam = supreme amongest braves.

Velan = lord Shiva’s son Murugan

Venavir = lord Shiva’s son

Veni = lord Krishna

Venimadhav = lord Krishna

Venkat = lord Vishnu; lord Krishna

Venkataramananandan = a name for lord Vishnu

Venkatesh = name of god Vishnu

Venu = flute

Venugopal = lord Krishna with flute

Venumadhav = lord Krishna with flute


Viamrsh = lord Shiva

Vibhaavasu = the sun

Vibhakar = the sun

Vibhas = decoration; light

Vibhat = dawn

Vibhavasu = the sun, fire

Vibhishan = Ravana’s brother

Vibhu = sky

Vibhudendra = king of earth

Vibhumat = lord Krishna

Vibhusnu = lord Shiva

Vibhut = strong

Vibodh = moon

Vidarbh = ancient name of a state

Videh = without form

Vidhatru = lord Shiva

Vidhesh = lord Shiva

Vidhu = moon

Vidhvesh = lord Shiva

Vishya = the devine Knowledge

Vidhyacharan = the divine feet of goddess Saraswati

Vidhyadeep = lord Shiva

Vidhyadhar = one with knowledge

Vidhyakar = of learned

Vidyaaranya = forest of learning

Vidyacharan = learned

Vidyadhar = learned

Vidyaranya = forest of knowledge

Vidyasagar = ocean of learning

Vidip = bright

Vidit = of predestined

Vidojas = lord Indra

Vidur = skillful

Vidvan = scholar

Vidvatam = lord Shiva

Vidyut = brilliant; lightening

Vighnajit = lord Ganesh

Vighnaraaj = an epithet of Ganesha

Vighnesh = lord Ganesh

Vighneshwar = lord of supreme knowledge

Vigrah = lord Shiva

Vihaan = morning; dawn

Vihang = a bird

Vihanga = bird

Vihari = who travels

Vijay = victory

Vijayant = achieves victor

Vijayarathna = significant among victorious

Vijayeebhav = blessings of victory

Vijayendra = god of victory

Vijayesh = lord Shiva

Vijayketu = flag of victory

Vijeesh = victorious

Vijendra = victorious

Vijeta = victorious

Vijigeesh = desire of victory

Vijul = a silk-cotton tree

Vijval = intelligent

Vikarnan = son of Dhritrashtra

Vikas = development

Vikat = of the monstrous figure, Lord Ganesh

Vikern = errorless

Vikesh = the moon

Vikram = valour

Vikramaditya = a famous king

Vikramajit = a famous king

Vikramendra = king of prowess

Vikramin = lord Vishnu

Vikrant = powerful

Viksar = lord Vishnu

Vikunth = lord Vishnu’s abode

Vilaas = entertainment

Vilakshman = of different nature

Vilochan = the eye

Vilohit = lord Shiva

Vilok = to see

Vilokan = gaze

Vimal = pure

Vimaladitya = clean sun

Vimalmani = pure jewel (crystal)

Vimridh = lord Indra

Vinaayak = remover of obstacles

Vinahast = lord Shiva

Vinamar = humble

Vinay = modesty

Vineet = unassuming

Vinesh = godly

Vinil = blue

Vinochan = lord Shiva

Vinod = pleasing, hobby, happy

Vinoo = to spread in different directions

Vipan = sail, petty trade

Vipaschit = lord buddha

Vipin = different, a forest grove

Vipinbehari = forest wandererViplav = revolution

Vipreet = different

Vipul = extensive

Vir = brave

Viraaj = to shine

Viraat = giant

Virabhadra = lord Shiva

Viral = rare

Viranath = lord of the brave

Viranchi = name of Brahma

Virasana = name of Brahma

Virat = supreme being

Virata = bravery

Virbhanu = very strong

Virendra = brave lord

Viresh = brave lord

Vireshvar = lord Shiva

Virikvas = lord Indra

Virochan = the sun

Virudh = opposite

Virurch = the holy trinity

Visamaksh = lord Shiva

Vishaal = broad

Vishaalaaksh = large eyed

Vishakh = lord Shiva

Vishalya = painless

Vishantak = lord Shiva

Vishatan = lord Vishnu

Vishesh = special

Vishikh = arrow

Vishnahpu = lord Vishnu

Vishnay = flowers of lord Vishnu/ Krishna

Vishnu = root, almighty

Vishnu prassad = the blessing of lord Vishnu

Vishnu vardhan = lord Vishnu

Vishnudutt = gift of lord Vishnu

Vishodhan = lord Vishnu

Vishram = rest

Vishresh = the holy trinity

Vishruth = widely famous

Vishtasp = widely famous

Vishv = universe

Vishva = earth, universe

Vishvadev = lord of fire, Agni

Vishvadev = lord of the universe

Vishvadhar = lord Vishnu

Vishvag = lord Brahma

Vishvahetu = lord Vishnu

Vishvajit = conqueror of the world

Vishvakarma = architect of the universe, son of Yogasiddha

Vishvaketu = an epithet of Anirudh( Lord Shiva)

Vishvam = universal

Vishvanaath = lord of the universe

Vishvanabh = lord Vishnu

Vishvaretas = lord brahma; Vishnu

Vishvatma = universal soul

Vishvesh = lord of the world

Vishwajeet = conqueror of the world

Vishwakarma = architect of the universe

Vishwambhar = the supreme spirit

Vishwankar = creator of the universe

Vishwaroop = omnipresent

Vishwast/ vishwasth = trustable

Vishwatma = universal soul

Vishweshwar = lord of the universe

Vishwaamitra = friend of the world, a sage

Vishwaas = faith

Vismay = surprise

Vistesh = the god of universe

Visvajit = one who conquers the universe

Visvayu = brother of Amavasuand Satayu

Viswaksen = lord Vishnu

Viswanath = lord Vishnu

Vitabhay = lord Shiva; lord Vishnu

Vitaharya = lord Krishna

Vitashokha = one who does not mourn

Vitasta = river jhelum in Sanskrit

Vithala = lord Vishnu

Vitola = peaceful

Vittal = lord Vishnu

Vittaleshwar = lord Vishnu

Vittanath = owner of wealth (kuber)

Vittesh/ vithesh = lord of wealth

Vitthal = lord Vishnu

Vivaan = lord Krishna

Vivan = moon

Vivash = bright

Vivaswat = the sun

Vivatma = universal soul

Vivek = conscience

Vivekananda = joyous with knowledge

Vivin = conscience


Vraja = place where lord Krishna spent his


Vrajakishore = lord Krishna in Vraja

Vrajalal = lord Krishna

Vrajamohan = beautiful lord Krishna in Vraja

Vrajanadan = belowed lord Krishna in Vraja

Vrajesh = the best of Vraja, lord Krishna

Vrajraj = the king of Vraja, lord Krishna

Vratesh = lord Shiva

Vrisa = lord Krishna

Vrisag = lord Shiva

Vrisan = lord Shiva

Vrisangan = lord Shiva

Vrisapati = lord Shiva

Vrishab = excellent

Vrishabh = a zodiac, star sign

Vrishabhaanu = father of Radha

Vrishank = lord Shiva

Vrishin = peacock

Vrisini = lord Shiva

Vyan = air

Vyasa = the author of Mahabharata

Vyom = sky

Vyomaang = part of the sky

Vyomakesh = sky like hair

Vyomdev = lord Shiva

Vyomesh = the sun

Vyshnav = worshipper of Vishnu 

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